Making friends can be easy for many people; it’s keeping them that can often be difficult. Actually, maintaining any type of relationship takes work. So it should come as no surprise that you’d have to devise creative ways to get your clients returning to your salon on a regular basis. Some of these tips are pretty simple. And, hey, you might even just have some fun while you’re at it!
If your head isn’t already brimming with ideas, here are 10 tips to help get you started!
1. Develop a Rewards Program
How do you ensure your clients are loyal to you? By starting a loyalty or rewards program! What’s great about loyalty programs is that clients are rewarded for their continued business! Whether it’s a simple punch card where clients get their 10th service for free or a more complex points system, rewards programs pay off big time!
2. Create an Inviting Atmosphere
Whether it’s offering your clients and their guests a cup of coffee or a bottled water, or putting out some snacks and other goodies, going that extra mile really does work wonders. Playing good music and offering clients a quick message while they’re in the chair are also great ideas. Creating a comfortable, inviting atmosphere shows you care about making your clients’ experience a pleasant one.
3. Lend an Ear
Show your clients you care about their needs—and what they have to say. Many women look forward to getting their nails done not just for their nails, but for getting to vent to their nail technician! It’s almost like a therapy session where one is able to just relax and talk. Get to know your clients, and show that you are listening to what they have to say.
4. Entice New Clients
What better way to ensure a first-time client returns for another appointment than to offer a deal she or he can’t refuse? Offer new clients a complimentary service along with their next visit. Nothing comes free nowadays, and this will be a pleasant surprise for your clients.
5. Host Events
Going to the salon can be a social experience; clients get the chance to catch up with their nail technician, stylist etc. Make the experience even more social by holding fun events every few months where clients can sip wine while sampling new products, getting makeovers, and participating in raffles and giveaways!
6. Personalize Email Communication
Email communication is huge when it comes to reaching your clients because even though email has existed for 20+ years, it still remains just as popular now as it was when it began! When your clients’ inboxes are flooded with emails (just like yours!), a message needs to stand out and be personal in order to be opened and read (i.e. refer to your clients by name). Generic mass emails are likely to get sent to the trash bin before they are even seen.
7. Try to Accommodate
Sometimes your clients have a last-minute nail emergency. Or maybe they have an event they were invited to and want their nails looking great! Although you can’t guarantee that you can make time for all last-minute requests, try to be as accommodating as possible. Your clients won’t forget how you made time for them despite your busy schedule!
8. Engage Your Followers
It’s not enough just to simply have social media profiles. If you’re not doing anything with them, what’s the point? Once you’ve managed to attract followers, keep them engaged by posting content regularly and responding directly to questions and comments. It’ll show your followers that you care; if you ignore someone, you could easily lose that client.
9. Share Attention-Getting Content
I just mentioned how it’s important to post content regularly; well, what content you’re posting is just as important as how often you’re publishing it! Make sure it’s relevant and interesting. Offer promotions via email or social media. Create a blog and/or newsletter where clients can find out about the latest industry tips and trends. You’re bound to be noticed this way!
10. Offer the Best and the Latest
You want to stand out from the crowd, right? The truth is, there is a lot of competition in the nail and beauty industry. So make sure you and your staff are up on the latest tips and trends, and ensure that you stock quality products that are in high demand. If you do, word will get around that you’re the go-to salon in your area! As you can see, most of these are fairly simple, while others will take a bit more time and creativity. Implement all of these tips or just the ones that work best for you and your salon. Either way, you can expect to see new clients turn into regulars in no time! Credit: Erica Brooke Faige Have a look at our website for more information about our motto, products and blogs: