Are You Killing Your Nail Tech Profits?

The beauty industry is hot and booming and if you're not taking advantage of this industry, you are leaving a lot of money on the table. This is a huge profit killer !
Nail Salons and Nail Technicians often get caught up into thinking nails are all they do. This type of thinking limits nail technicians and box them into offering just the typical nail services to their clients. Nail salons and nail technicians are part of a bigger industry. This bigger industry is beauty .
The world of beauty opens up many additional streams of income and ways to make money as a nail technician!
Yet still, a lot of nail techs are not taking advantage of this industry and are killing their profits. They are practically giving away money and business that should be theirs!
Lets examine a few ways nail techs are killing their profits:
Top 5 Mistakes Nail Technicians & Nails Salons Make
1. Not going the extra mile for clients. In order to survive and keep clients coming back to see you, you will need to be different and offer services that other nail techs and nail salons are not. Every nail salon in town does manicures the same way practically. What can you do to make your manicure different? Always go the extra mile to give your clients more than what they were expecting. This keeps clients coming back to you and not going anywhere else to get their nails done.
2. Not Creating a Customer Loyalty program. The best way you can thank your clients and keep them coming back is with a customer loyalty program. For example, offering a punch card that offers the 10th visit free or at a discount is a great way to say " thank you" for being a loyal client and coming back! Clients love free stuff! So make it a point to keep rewarding them for their loyalty to your business.
3. Not Getting Contact Information for Each Client. You should have a system in place for collecting contact information for every person that visits you and your website. This information is valuable to you as it is your way to keep in contact with your clients. Keeping in contact with your clients build better client relations, which results in long term clients. Your client list can also make you money via email marketing.
4. Not up selling. By offering your client complimentary products or services in addition to the one they just received can enhance your bottom line a lot. You can offer additional products like cuticle oil, spa lotion, make up and more! This increases the amount you make per client visit. You are leaving a lot of money on the table by not tapping into this hidden source of revenue.
5. Focusing More on Learning Nail Art Designs and Application than Sales and & Marketing. Believe it or not, marketing should be a strong focus point, just as nail designs and application. It does not matter if you are the hottest nail art designer in town, if you don't have enough clients to keep you in business you will not make the kind of money you desire. A nail tech that knows marketing will out grow and make more money than the nail tech that is only good at nail designs , application, pedicures and manicures!
Know What to Avoid
While these are just a few profit killers , there are many more ways to kill your profits, such as not keeping up with the latest beauty news, trends and techniques, stagnating in your education, and not being attentive to health concerns! Knowing what to avoid will keep you ahead of the game and keep money flowing into your business consistently!