Words Of Wisdom from Nail Professionals

Seasoned nail technicians share their most valuable things they learned as they began their new career. Read on, and profit from their experience. Anita Lime, The Hair Force, Albany, Ga. Be patient with yourself. Learn all you can from any source that is available to you. Don’t ever forget why the clients are there. Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize — for you and your clients. Keep reaching for higher goals, and don’t ever assume you’ve learned everything. There are no limits in this industry, other than the ones you put on yourself. Sue Abbott, Head Over Heels, Houston, Texas. The most valuable lesson I learned when I was new was to check all of my equipment and supplies ahead of time. On my third day of being a nail technician, I went to do a set of nails and realized I didn’t have any tips. They were in a locked drawer of another nail technician’s workstation. Donna Emmons, Nails by Donna, Dayton, Ohio. When you’re in school, you don’t get enough instruction. You need extra education to learn how things are done in a salon. People used to ask me, ‘Can you do this or that kind of nail extension?’ and I always had to say no. One of the prerequisites I have for my staff is to participate in continuing education, which I pay for. Gayle Gray, The Nail Shop, Lubbock, Texas. It’s important to be stable, and to be on time for your appointments. When I first became a nail technician, I had never worked with the public before. I had a hard time training myself to check and double-check my book, and to deal with late customers. Today I see new nail technicians with the same struggle. You have to be self-motivated and make it your business to always cheek your book in advance. Betty Joy, Comfort Zone Nail Care, Tacoma, Wash. I was lucky; I had great teachers even after I graduated from cosmetology school. The lady that had been doing my nails helped me the most. So the valuable lesson I learned was to talk to other nail technicians and absorb as much information as you can. Most important, listen to your clients and find out what they want instead of deciding what you want to give them. Julia Kinchen, Gold Country, Vallejo, Calif. I work at a salon in a retirement home, and the most valuable thing I learned was that not everyone can wear artificial nails. I switched from offering artificial nails to natural nails only, because elderly people often have a lot of medical problems. The last thing they need are acrylic nails that break off, or that trap moisture and allow fungus to grow, etc. Many of my clients have gone along with my policy, but there are some who fight me on this. They may be more than 70 years old and living in a retirement home, but they still want glamorous nails! If you enjoyed this blog, have a look at our website for our latest posts: https://www.crystalclawz.co.za/ Credit: Erika Kotite