The Coronavirus brings a lot of uncertainty and that is why it is so important to keep up good communication with your clients via social media. With most people being stuck at home, your clients are most likely spending a fair amount of time on social media, so now is the perfect time to get improve your social media presence.
Are You Using The Best Social Media Platforms For Your Salon?
The best platform to get your salon on is Facebook. If you are not on Facebook, it is time to create a page and start posting! Salons work great with Instagram and Pinterest because of the visually appealing content. TikTok is definitely a rising trend and should be used to create a fresh presence on social media. Make sure that you don't spread yourself too thin. Keeping pages populated with regular posting takes a lot of work. Start with Facebook and work your way up from there.
Evaluate Your Social Presence
Are your followers engaging with your content? How often are you posting? Are you providing value to your customers? Have a close look at what you are doing on social media and if it is working. Are you getting likes, shares and comments on your posts? If you are not, how can you change up your content to make it more appealing to your clients? Social media is all about brand awareness and enhancing your customer experience. Tips and tricks are great content to provide value to your clients.
Give Your Social Media Pages A Make-Over
We all love a good make-over! So why not give your social media accounts a make-over? Jazz up your social media profiles with new cover photos, profile pictures and stunning content. Aim to create a visually appealing page that both you and your clients will love to look at.
Get Creative With Your Content
Followers easily get bored when they see the same or very similar content posted over and over again. Why not create a tutorial or an exciting video? Make your very own meme that your clients will resonate with. Create a challenge for your clients to take part in. You want your clients to get excited about your brand or salon.
Are you using hashtags correctly? Hashtags can help your audience find you easier. It also allows you to find client testimonials. Make sure that you know which hashtags are trending and work them into your posts. Important Tip: Don't use hashtags that are not relevant to your brand or industry. If you enjoyed this blog, click here to view our latest posts.